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Congratulations for your entry, class of PTET 2025/2026!

Please collect your offer letter from your respective secondary schools, UNLESS you were from private school or non-feeder school, then plea...

Saturday, 19 May 2012

HSBC Walk Run Cycle (19.5.2012)

On 19 May 2012, a number of teachers, non-teaching staff and students took part in the HSBC Walk Run Cycle charity event in Bandar Seri Begawan, as part of the PTET Out Reach Programme.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

26th Inter-school Nasyid and Da'wah Choir Competition (1.5.2012)

On 1 May 2012, PTET took part in the final of the 26th Inter-School Nasyid and Da'wah Choir Competition at Maktab Duli.

Pictures by Iryani and Norjainah (U6)