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Congratulations for your entry, class of PTET 2025/2026!

Please collect your offer letter from your respective secondary schools, UNLESS you were from private school or non-feeder school, then plea...

Monday, 30 September 2013

Abdul Hakim in ASEAN +3 Youth Summit at Pattaya, Thailand (20.9.2013 ~ 27.9.2013)

Abdul Hakim Kamarul Ariffin, President of the Student Council, participated in the ASEAN + 3 Youth Summit at Pattaya, Thailand from 20 to 29 September 2013 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

PTET Beach Bunchers at Seri Kenangan Beach Tutong (22.9.2013)

On 22 September 2013, PTET students participated in the Beach Bunch International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) at Seri Keanangan Beach in Tutong

Pictures courtesy of Cg Hjh Junainah and Cg Siti Rohaini

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Tutors attended PEAKS (21.9.2013)

Cg Anney Susanty Hj Jalbah, Ms Koo Keung Eng and Ms Lim Gea Kuan attended a week long PEAKS ICT Leadership Certification at the Empire Hotel and Country Club in Jerudong, which ended on 21 September 2013

Upper 6 Khatam Al Quran Ceremony (21.9.2013)

On 21 September 2013, Khatam al Quran ceremony for Upper 6 students was held at the PTET Hall.