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PTET L6 2024 exam timetable (16.9.2024)

 PTET L6 2024 exam timetable  (click link)

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Lower 6 Registration on 14/2/2013 and 16/2/2013

Students who have met the entry requirement to Form 6, can submit the registration forms on

Date: Thursday (14/2/2013) or Saturday (16/2/2013)

Time : 8am to 4pm

Note: Please fill in the 3 subjects the students wish to study at A levels (on the second page of the form)

Saturday, 2 February 2013

PTET Open Day (2.2.2013)

On 2 February 2013 PTET held its open day where prospective students had the opportunity to speak to subject tutors and tour around the campus.

Click here for more pictures

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Majlis Forum Sambutan Maulidur Rasul (30.1.2013)

In conjunction of the birthday anniversary celebration of Prophet Muhammad (pbah), a forum was held at the PTET Hall on 30 Januray 2013 from 8am to 10am.

Click here for more pictures

Open Day Programme on 2/2/2013



8.00 – 8.30 pagi 
- Kehadiran ibubapa, penjaga penuntut-penuntut serta guru-guru, pengawas dari sekolah-sekolah yang dijemput
- Kehadiran Pengetua, Timbalan-timbalan Pengetua, Guru-guru Kanan, Tutor

8.30 – 9.00 pagi
- Bacaan Surah Al-Fathihah
- Ucapan alu-aluan dari Pengetua P.T.E.T oleh Yang Mulia Cikgu Hadion Lim Beng Guan

9.00 – 9.30 pagi
- “Deskripsi Ringkas mengenai PTET” dari Timbalan Pengetua (Pentadbiran) oleh Yang Mulia Cikgu Alexandar Bandang

9.30 – 10.00 pagi 
- Taklimat “Hala Tuju” dari Timbalan Pengetua(Akademik) oleh Yang Mulia Cikgu Hajah Junainah Hj Abdul Rahman

10.00 – 10.30 pagi 

Sila beredar ke bilik kuliah untuk mendengar taklimat seperti berikut:

10.30 – 11.00 pagi 

Sesi Kongsisama dari Pelajar ke Sunburst, Dunman dan Kizuna  - Dewan PTET
Syariah / Usuluddin -  Bilik Kuliah Peserverance (Aras Lantai)
Mathematics - Bilik Kuliah Trustworthy (Aras Lantai)
History -  Bilik Kuliah Excellence (Aras 2)
Chemistry - Makmal Kimia (Aras 2)
Galeri Lukisan - Bilik Lukisan

11.00 – 11.30 pagi 

Sesi Kongsisama dari Pelajar ke MCKK, USA dan Jarkarta - Dewan PTET
Economics - Bilik Kuliah Peserverance (Aras Lantai)
Sociology - Bilik Kuliah Trustworthy (Aras Lantai)
Bahasa Melayu - Bilik Kuliah Excellence (Aras 2)
Physics - Makmal Fizik (Aras Lantai)

11.30 – 12.00 tgh hari 

General Paper - Bilik Kuliah Peserverance (Aras Lantai)
Accounting - Bilik Kuliah Trustworthy (Aras Lantai)
Geography - Bilik Kuliah Excellence (Aras 2)
Biology - Makmal Biologi (Aras 1)

10.00 pagi – 4.00 petang
Ibubapa, Penjaga penuntut serta guru-guru pengawas boleh beredar ke Gerai Jualan Buku- Buku yang terletak di kawasan Kantin Sekolah.

1.30 – 2.00 petang

CCA Fun and Fit - Dewan PTET
CCA Recycling - Kawasan Dewan
CCA Arts and Handicraft - Kawasan Dewan
CCA Gastronomy - Kantin Sekolah

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

PTET Open Day to be held on Saturday 2/2/2013

PTET Open Day will be held on Saturday 2/2/13 from 8.30am to 4.30pm. 

Briefings on entry requirement and respective subjects will be held from 8.30am to 12pm; while CCA Clubs will have display booths from 1.30pm to 4pm.

Open Day is for prospective A Level students (Students who sat for O Levels in October / November 2012) 

Saturday, 1 December 2012

MPPs and PGs kayaking at Serasa Beach (1.12.2012)

As part of the end of year activities for Student Council Members (MPPs) and Peer Guiders (PGs) 2 day/1 night leadership camp, the students took part in the kayaking activity at Serasa Beach on 1 December 2012. 

Click here for more pictures

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

End of Year CCAs (27 ~ 28.11.2012)

On 27th and 28th November 2012, end of year CCAs such as Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Games, as well as Fashion Design and IQ Quiz Show were held at PTE Tutong.

Click here for more pictures