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Wednesday, 12 April 2017

PTET Teacher Professional Development (TPD) hosted Teachers Forum 2017 #2 (12.4.2017)

The Teachers Forum 2017 #2 is the seventh of the overall Teachers Forum series since its inaugural forum in November 2015.

It provides a platform for teachers to share educational best practices as well as challenges and strategies in overcoming these challenges, tried and tested methodologies that had worked well and those that worked less well, essentially small-scale classroom based investigations.

Cg Ak Azim bin Pg Hj Abas lectured on the perspectives of Art in the eyes of education, science and society. He also responded to queries from the audience regarding whether students and public in general question every component of Art they encounter, to fully appreciate its meanings and underlying concepts. 

Cg Onn Chee Sheng talked about his experience of using Wordpress blog in his teaching of Chemistry. He had used Wordpress blogsite as a digital depository for teaching and learning materials that were shared and easily accessible by his students as well as fellow colleagues within and outside the school. This promotes a culture of independent study habit by students, given all the supporting resources, to learn anytime, anywhere. 

Cg Hjh Murni presented certificates as token of appreciation to both presenters to conclude the afternoon. Podcasts of both talks are available at TDP YouTube channel and also specifically through this playlist.

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