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Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Expressions put student on top at science communication symposium (1.2.2018)

This year's edition of the PTET Youth Science Symposium marked the fourth year in succession it has been held in PTE Tutong. It was also dedicated to Mr Bryan David Haysum, the former Head of Science and a long-time Biology tutor of the college, who sadly will be retiring later in the year.

Borneo Bulletin and Media Permata covered the event.

The PTET Youth Science Forum (YSF) is a student-run organization, focussing on effective science communication through lunchtime lectures and building soft skills as part of the 21st century skill-sets required in this modern times - including working as part of a student team, creativity and flair, and most importantly communicating effectively.

The YSF17 team is getting ready for their succession plan for the current lower sixth 2018/2019 to take over before the end of Term 1. Adverts have been sent out through class tutors and in case it hasn't reached you or your friends, spread the words. Nominate yourself into this quite-academic student organization and make a difference to your time in A-Level.

Register at bit.ly/2CaadW7

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