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PTET L6 2024 exam timetable (16.9.2024)

 PTET L6 2024 exam timetable  (click link)

Monday 24 June 2024

PTET organises investiture of new student leaders MPP and PRR 2024/2025 (24.06.2024)

On June 24, 2024, PTET held the Majlis Pembubaran MPP and PRR 23/24 dan Perlantikan MPP and PRR 24/25. The ceremony honoured the outgoing MPP and PRR batch for their dedication, hard work, and school spirit. Their contributions have left a lasting impact on the PTET community. The event also welcomed and congratulated the new MPP and PRR batch, wishing them all the best in their roles. The school encourages them to continue serving for the betterment of all, with the hope of always being in Allah's guidance and blessings. PTET looks forward to the new MPP and PRR's leadership and positive influence in the upcoming year.

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