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PTET L6 2024 exam timetable (16.9.2024)

 PTET L6 2024 exam timetable  (click link)

Friday 24 May 2024

PTET Tutors attended briefing on Government Officials' Conduct Regulations and Disciplinary Procedures (24.05.2024)

On May 24, 2024, PTET tutors attended a briefing on Government Officials' Conduct Regulations and Disciplinary Procedures, specifically tailored for Ministry of Education (MOE) officers. The session provided an in-depth understanding of the standards and expectations for government officials within the education sector, emphasizing the importance of integrity and professionalism. Tutors were educated on the various disciplinary procedures and the consequences of non-compliance, ensuring they were well-equipped to adhere to these regulations. The briefing reinforced PTET's commitment to upholding high ethical standards and fostering a culture of accountability. Participants were left with valuable knowledge to guide their conduct and responsibilities as MOE officers.

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