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Monday, 2 September 2024

PTET congratulates Asfa Yusran (2022/2023) being YSHHB 2024 Sultan’s Scholar 2024 recipient (2.9.2024)


Earlier today, PTET was delighted to have our fourth alumni being one of the highly prestigious YSHHB Sultan’s Scholar recipients. @yshhb_official 

Asfa Yusran, class of 2022/2023, held a senior leadership position within the Student Council @ptet.mppprr and in addition to his academic achievements, he was also an overall positive influence within our community. 

Asfa is heading to University of New South Wales, UNSW, Australia to study engineering. 

We are delighted for him and his family. Moreover, he joins our former PTET alumni, Khong Yu Neng, Nasruddin Sulaiman, and Teo Zhi Perng in this prestigious feat. 

We hope that all PTET students and future ones would be inspired by their success stories and perseverance, despite our odds of being a small school. 

The school remains committed in helping all students to achieve their fullest potential, provided students are willing to work hard to achieve the same common goal. 

Post by OCS. 

Photo credits: Asfa and Shahno.

The following contains messages from the Principal, Cg Shahno

Assalamualaikum Dan salam sejahtera

*Majlis Penganugerahan Biasiswa Sultan’s Scholar YSHHB 2024*

Alhamdulillah bersyukur kitani kehadrat Allah SWT diatas limpah, kurnia, inayahnya dan  izinnya jua pelajar PTET kitani *Yang Mulia Awg Asfa Radhi bin Mohammad Yusran (Sesi 2022 & 2023)* dianugerahkan Biasiswa Sultan’s Scholar YSHHB 2024.

Pihak Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah dan MoE mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas kepada semua Warga PTET khususnya tutors dan kakitangan atas didikan, kerjasama dan bantuan kepada pelajar² PTET am nya dan Awg Asfa Radhi khasnya.

Semoga warga PTET (guru², pelajar² dan kakitangan) sentiasa di dalam rahmat Allah SWT, diberikan Kesihatan, keringanan, kelancaran  dan kemudahan utk melaksanakan semua komitmen dan urusan sepanjang semasa di PTET.

Berikut dikongsikan gambar² suasana Majlis Penganugerahan tadi. 👇

Sekian Terima Kasih.

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